Melbourne Opera Company Ltd was founded in 2002 as a not-for-profit public arts company dedicated to producing opera and associated art forms at realistic prices.
Melbourne Opera is committed to the development of young artists, regional touring, and openness and transparency. The Board is elected annually by the financial membership, which is open to all. Repertoire and casting decisions are taken by an arms-length artistic subcommittee.
Melbourne Opera has toured the regions since its very first production in 2003. Including the regional and interstate touring program, Melbourne Opera is now second only to the national company as the most active opera company in the country. This has been achieved relying entirely upon philanthropic support
The management and board of Melbourne Opera believe that open competition between opera –companies is healthy, providing a new path to future excellence and choice for audiences. After all, Berlin, a city smaller than Melbourne, has three major companies as well as a number of smaller houses. Melbourne Opera is active in broadly promoting the art of opera, and works to co-ordinate seasons and subscriptions between all Melbourne opera managements. As a matter of policy we encourage all company members to take every opportunity to perform wherever and whenever they can.